Monday, 28 April 2014


My rant begins...
I can't exactly remember the last time I typed something other than a formal assessment task for learners, capturing marks or typing up a last minute assignment. So this feels great to be the 'old' Iptishaam again as I was told a few days ago by my mom that I don't smile that much anymore. This really struck a chord with me because I am a really happy and smiling person - most times. I suppose that being a teacher and a student at the same time has got the better of me and has affected my 'smiling' patterns. 

Being a teacher in our education system is not easy AT ALL. Whoever says it is, I suggest you stand in front of a class of 48+ and try and maintain everyone's attention all at once. What makes my life a little more challenging is that every Monday and Tuesday I have to be at campus until 7 'cause I am doing my Honors in Educational Psychology 'cause I kinda decided that I don't want to be a post level one teacher all my life. Yes, for some teachers that is 'AMAZING' but I am seeking retirement at the age of 40 and hard work needs to happen now. 

So there you have it. This is the reason why I don't blog as much as I want to and HARD WORK is what keeps me from attending those fancy blogger events that I suffer major FOMO from! What I have to realize is that I need to strike a balance with everything that's happening around me. 

Proof that hard work indeed does pay off, if you follow me on Instagram and Twitter, you would have seen that I am on the Deans Merit list. This award is conferred onto students who performed excellently in the year 2013. I am also on this list for the second time (link) in a row. Sure, going to fancy events is great, but academic events is only reserved for the elite in academia, and not just anyone can be invited no matter what media list you're on (laughs).

Okay, my rant is over and I feel better. (lol)

How do you feel when you cannot attend an event?

Thank you for reading today. 

